Just a Saturday Morning

What a glorious day today…. I woke as usual at 7:15. No alarm needed. It’s just the way my body reacts to retirement. It still wants to go to work.

But today was a different day. I woke up at 10:30. I was rested and happy. All this made for a great morning of walking under the bright blue sky.

I took heart watching the robins look for food, the starling sitting in the tree down the street, the squirrels searching for the last of their hidden food and the warmth of the Spring air.

It was just a Saturday morning that welcomed me.

7 thoughts on “Just a Saturday Morning

  1. What is it in this piece that gives such a contented, peaceful feeling?
    I re-read to find out. I think the simple, direct language. Bright blue sky, robins look for food, warmth of Spring air. Straightforward words that are very clear.
    And best- the image that the morning “welcomed” you.

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